Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Lapis Lazuli

Presenting the crystal : Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is actually comprised of several different crystals: blue lazurite, hauynite, sodalite, diopsite, white calcite and gold pyrite. This stunning deep blue stone has healing properties and can improve your mood by holding it. As a stone working with the Third Eye, Lapis Lazuli can help with a connection to spirituality, listening, psychic abilities, strengthening intuition, mediation and mental clarity. It can be placed around blue and purple candles for a healing spell.

Meditation with Lapis ~
Powerful crystal for healing Ajna chakra (Third eye);It will increase your intuition, visions, knowledge and psychic abilities. While meditating or resting, hold the stone in your left hand. Breath deeply and imagine indigo blue sparkling light surrounding your body, specially in the area of the forehead. Feel uplifted, awaken and inspired. Make this meditation for at least 10 min daily.